South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Photos of South Uist

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Date uploaded: Wednesday 5th November 2008 04:05:40
Popularity: This image has been viewed 3559 times
Description: This photo shows my maternal grand mother (the lady on the far lef ) Catherine McDonald at her place of work, i believe that it is either when she was in service or when she was a cook in The Dorchester park lane london.I guess it was pre ww1. she returned to Ust and married then lived in 14 Bornish. where i enjoyed her cooking many times espeacialy her chicken broth thick enough to walk on and hot scones,

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This photo shows my maternal grand mother (the lady on the far lef ) Catherine McDonald at her place of work, i believe that it is either when she was in service or when she was a cook in The Dorchester park lane london.I guess it was pre ww1. she returned to Ust and married then lived in 14 Bornish. where i enjoyed her cooking many times espeacialy her chicken broth thick enough to walk on and hot scones,


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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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