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MacDonald, MacIntyre, Bowie, MacKinnon & Catherine

Title: MacDonald, MacIntyre, Bowie, MacKinnon & Catherine
Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 13-01-2013

Discussion: Hoping to find anyone who is descended from;

My ggggg g/parents

John MacDonald c1771 = Catherine ? c1771

John & Catherine had my gggg g/f Donald c1791 but did they have any other children?

Donald MacDonald c1791 – 1856 b 202 Stoneybridge, S/U
= Ann MacIntyre, c1791 – 1876
daughter of Neil MacIntyre & Flora Bowie.

Donald's death was registered by one of 2 daughter's named Catherine who unfortunately did not know her grandmother's maiden surname.

Cottar (Machair Mor), Ardivachar, S/U, 1851 - 1856

Donald MacDonald and Ann MacIntyre had;

Mary MacDonald (ggg g/m) 1824 – 1899 b 202 Stoneybridge, S/U

= (1) Dougald MacDonald c1816 – 1853 (b Kilpheder, S/U)
son of John MacDonald and Kirsty Morrison.

Mary & Dougal had John, Neil, Donald, Christian & Malcolm

= (2) John MacKinnon 1829 – 1913 (b 286 Daliburgh, S/U)
son of Angus MacKinnon and Mary Walker

Mary & John had Angus, Ann, Angus & Catherine.

Donald MacDonald and Ann MacIntyre also had;

Catherine MacDonald 1825 – 1899 (n/m)
Angus MacDonald c1827 - ?
Catherine MacDonald 1828 - c1892 (n/m)
Flora MacDonald 1831 - ?

Janet MacDonald 1834 - ?
= Ranald MacDonald c1834 - ? b 263 Daliburgh, S/U

This is just a portion of what I have and I am willing to share.


Anne Marie.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Anne Barr on 04-09-2019

Hi Margaret,

My brother has DNA with 23andme but he doesn't do genealogy & hasn't uploaded to elsewhere.

I have a kit ready to use some time soon!

Anne Marie

Posted by: Margaret Pavljuk on 02-08-2019

Ann Marie.
Would love to know if anyone in this McDonald Macintyre line done dna? Is it in Gedmatch?

Margaret In Australia.
(Gedmatch T 325982 )

Posted by: annemarie floyd on 14-04-2013

Hi Anne Marie I have had a few postings from but I am not very good at this I saw that wrote that Catherine maceachenand her sister stayed together with a nephew hugh , as you know Catherine which is the same person (my grannie) had a son called Hughie I was very close to him, he did say something when he was I\'ll that I don\'t want to put on the post, I know my grannie had a brother Neil but not sure of any others my mum siblings were Hughie Donald Robert Effie Annie billy my mum Marion not sure if any more I am hoping to come over again this year, and hopefully find out where they stayed. Brands was William grieve I don\'t know much about them except he stayed in south just, it would be great if I knew where to go this time anything you can help me with would be great thanks Anne marie

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"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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