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The Isle of South Uist

Fishing in September. Flies?

Title: Fishing in September. Flies?
Posted by: Peter Sloan on 25-06-2010

Discussion: Myself and a friend are staying at the Borrodale Hotel and Lochmaddy for a week's fishing in September ( uninterrupted by our lovely children and wives this time!). We have had great family holidays for the last two years in July and caught a sea trout when allowed out to play. So with the focus firmly on catching sea trout and salmon (yet to do!) this time I am seeking some advise on flies. I have been suggested claret muddlers, bumbles, clan chief, goats toe and silver invicta? I am also having difficulty actually getting hold of these flies. Is there anyone in the Uists that can supply these and any other recommended flies? Any help much appreciated. Looking forward to September already. Peter Sloan

Replies to this post

Posted by: Kenny Beaton on 19-05-2011

...daddy long legs with floatant is very effective at that time of year as long as it's not too windy.

Posted by: John Brown on 27-07-2010

Hello Peter
The flies you have listed will do the job i would also include donegal blue, kate mclaren, zulu's, bibio's the list goes on and on.
I'm not sure about advertiseing rules on this forum but if you want to email me for more information your welcome. I am in no way an expert but each time i visit south uist i learn a little bit more from the kind and friendly locals i meet.
When in september will you be there?
Regards John

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"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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