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The Isle of South Uist

MacIntosh of Stilligarry

Title: MacIntosh of Stilligarry
Posted by: David Mitchell on 11-01-2022

Discussion: Hi,

I will be visiting South Uist for the first time in the Spring (despite not being that far away in East Lothian). I descend from John MacIntosh and Catherine Bowie through daughter Margaret (one of them as they had two and unsure which one was my ancestor).

I was wondering if there were any ancestors from the MacIntosh family still on the island and whether there were any suggested places that would be interesting to see from an ancestral point of view? I have without success been able to determine who John's parents were (based on the 1841 census there is a chance his father was Donald MacIntosh but it does not say for certain the elderly man living there was his father)

I assume there are no monument inscriptions from that time that can be looked at? I wasn't really able to find much on the web about it.



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