South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Tell me about your beautiful island

Title: Tell me about your beautiful island
Posted by: Claire Morton on 04-08-2019

Discussion: I’m hoping to visit in about three weeks and am coming as I have been offered a place to live on the island my original al intention was to move to Harris where my daughter and granddaughter live x but South Uist is considerably closer than Colchester in Essex and maybe fate is playing its hand I feel I will have a sense of that when I come x I will be bringing my 14 year old daughter Nd that is perhsps my main concern x so if any one has anything useful they might want to tell me about their lives on the island and can give me an inside brow I’ve spent a lot of time on Harris throughout the seasons but appreciate this is as a visitor and that making a new life somewhere is very different x it’s very different to visit somewhere as a tourist than to meet real people and learn about their real lives

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"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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