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The Isle of South Uist

Mary Ann Duncan Stewart

Title: Mary Ann Duncan Stewart
Posted by: Ruth Smith on 30-07-2019

Discussion: Hi Anne,

I have done some more research since I last wrote and can now add some more information. I have been told that Mary Ann was born in 1926 possibly in Glasgow but unsure about that. I have nothing further on Peggy and who her father might be but have been told that Mary Ann's father was possibly John Campbell who came from Islay. I have a school photo taken from a book about the school in Howmore and both girls are in it. I'm guessing that they are about ten or eleven years old and to me, Mary looks as though she could be the oldest.

Isabella was born in Howmore in 1895 to Alexander Stewart and Mary Ann Duncan. I have no idea if she ever married or where she died. She appears to have had a sister Christian and brothers, John and Donald.

Any confirmation of this data would be much appreciated as would any reference to school records etc.

Sorry about the lack of info previously. I am really starting from scratch here.

All the best,


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