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Catherine MacMillan - Genealogy

Title: Catherine MacMillan - Genealogy
Posted by: Norman Shearer on 24-07-2013

Discussion: Hi. I am looking for information about Catherine MacMillan my GGG Grandmother about 1801 in South Uist. I think she married John MacCormick maybe about 1824. They had about 4 children John about 1825,Angus b about 1827,Peter b about 1830,Ranald about 1832.


Replies to this post

Posted by: Brody Macmillan on 09-05-2018

Hi I'm currently looking for my 5th Great Grandfather. Neil Macmillan born in S. Uist in 1769. He immigrated to Nova Scotia Canada in 1799. If anyone has any information I'd be very grateful, thanks.

Posted by: Norman Shearer on 01-08-2013

Hi Angus you have given me so much imformation I can't thank you enough I have been trying for a long time with this and got no where. I look forward to the book hopefully it wont be to long and thanks for everything



Posted by: Angus MacMillan on 01-08-2013

Hi again Norman: I did not answer your question about siblings for Catherine. All that plus more detail should be in a croft history of Uachdar that the Benbecula History Society should publish one of these days. Catherine's father was married at least three times, twice to MacPhersons from 14 Torlum and once to a MacAulay from Balivanich. I know of four siblings but there may have been more who left before the records pick up. Her full siblings were John, who was married and left for Cape Breton in 1846 and another Catherine who was married and left for PEI on the Lulan in 1848. Donald a tailor who took over 7 Uachdar was a son of the next marriage and Roderick was a son of the MacAulay marriage and had a croft at 16 Uachdar. Angus

Posted by: Norman Shearer on 31-07-2013

Hi Anne Marie

Thanks again for your reply.



Posted by: Norman Shearer on 31-07-2013

Hi Angus

Thanks again for the imformation. John's son John was married to Margaret MacPhee 1857 and had 9 children. Margaret d/o Dougald 1791 and Annabella MacPhee 1806 s/o Dougald c1770 and Janet MacDonald c1770.



Posted by: Angus MacMillan on 31-07-2013

I have six children for the first marriage: John, Angus, Peter/Patrick. Ranald, Alexr and Malcom. Were you double counting Peter/Patrick who, I imagine was one person? I suspect the marriage will have been a year or two earlier than A-M's latest suggestion of 1826. The two who had families recorded are Angus, who settled as a ploughman at Nunton and died in 1901; and Ranald who married twice, left Gramsdale for Saskatchewan in 1883/4 and died in 1929.

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 30-07-2013

Hi Norman,

Struggling to find much as it's harder to determine the denominations of the North end but here's a bit more.

John MacCormick (Uachdar) married Catherine MacMillan (no given locality) – Uachdar, Benbecula 1826

Malcolm MacCormick 24 Aug 1855 to John & Catherine MacDonald

Anne Marie

Posted by: Norman Shearer on 30-07-2013

Hi Angus

Thank you ever so much for this imformation another chapter in my family history. Can I ask you did she have 7 children John, Angus, Peter, Ranald, Malcolm, Alexander, Patric and do you know when she died and did she have siblings and again I thank you.



Posted by: Angus MacMillan on 30-07-2013

Hello Norry: Catherine MacMillan was a daughter of Aonghas mac Chaluim and his first (?) wife who was a MacPherson from 14 Torlum. John was son of Angus MacCormick and Marion MacCuish and Angus was son of Calum \'Saggart\' born about 1755 not to be confused with his grandson, another Calum Saggart, who emigrated to Leitches Creek, Cape Breton from Uachdar in the 1840s. John, who married again in 1848 to a Catriona MacDonald from Bualacrach in 1848, moved as a farmer to 11a Torlum at that time but lost the lands and, after a time in Scaraleod, returned to Torlm as a cottar where he died in 1879. All but one of the MacCormick families from Uachdar derive from the first Calum Saggart.

Posted by: Norman Shearer on 29-07-2013

Hi Anne Marie

Thank you for replying

I have Alexander birth and I also have a Patric 1829 and Malcolm 1842

I don`t have Catherine`s marriage to John MacCormick But I do have a marriage of John MacCormick to Catherine MacDonald 1848 with at least 2 children Catherine 1850 and Alexander 1852.

John died 1879 and both Catherine`s are named as wives so.

When John`s son my gg Grandfather got married 1857 it appeares that Catherine MacMillan was still alive according to the marriage extract. So i am looking for anything for Catherine MacMillan , a Marriage,Death,Birth, Parents,GrandParents.



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