South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Photos of South Uist

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Date uploaded: Wednesday 28th September 2005 01:21:45
Popularity: This image has been viewed 3655 times
Description: Loch Skipport harbour, once a thriving port.

If you are ever in the Lochboisdale hotel then check out the pictues on the wall. It is haunting to see just how busy it was at one point.

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Loch Skipport harbour, once a thriving port.If you are ever in the Lochboisdale hotel then check out the pictues on the wall. It is haunting to see just how busy it was at one point.


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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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